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Séminaire Gouverner le Vivant au Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle: philosophies autochtones, politique de la connaissance et « Buen vivir »

by sur 01/04/2014

La prochaine séance du aura lieu le vendredi 11 avril, de 10h30 à 12h30, au MNHN, dans le grand amphi d’entomologie, 45 Rue Buffon, 75005 Paris.

National Geographic, July 1977. Gimi people of Papua New Guinea: Linked by an “umbilical cord” at a ritual, a young man and his mother dramatize maternal influence, rarely acknowledged publicly.

Ontologies as emergent: Indigenous philosophical propositions concerning the past, the present, and possible futures

Paige West (Columbia University, New York)

Discutant : Philippe Descola (Collège de France)

Much has been said of late about the multiple forms of knowing, being, seeing, feeling, and narrating worlds among people and peoples with whom anthropologists work. In this paper I push this conversation forward by asking about the emergent natures of ontological propositions. I do this based on eighteen years of research on the island of New Guinea. Gimi speaking peoples in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea have elaborate philosophical propositions concerning historic and contemporary social worlds. In this paper I describe Gimi philosophy in general and discuss specific ethnographic examples that allow us to understand how Gimi philosophers come to understandings about possible futures given

Présentation et discussion en anglais

Prochaines séances:

– Séance 10 : vendredi 23 mai 10h30-12h30, MNHN, grand amphi d’entomologie, 45 Rue Buffon, 75005 Paris

L’IPBES Gouvernance internationale de la biodiversité : Autour du livre The Politics of Knowledge and Global Biodiversity

Alice Vadrot (ICCR Foundation/ University of Vienna)

Discutant : Florian Charvolin (CNRS, Centre Max Weber)

– Séance 11: jeudi 5 juin, 10h30-12h30 amphi de paléontologie, galerie de paléontologie, 2 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris

Pacha Mama, Buen Vivir, Samak Kusay : entre alternative au développement et instruments politiques

Franck Poupeau (CNRS-The University of Arizona)
Adrian E. Beling (UAH et université Humboldt de Berlin)

Discutant : Laurent Lacroix (SOGIP-LAIOS- EHESS)

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